Journal of
Stellar Peacemaking

©2009 Journal of Stellar Peacemaking
Vol.4 No. 1, 2009



Winning The Fight © 2004 by Allan Licht.

Sung by Pacoima Singers


Listen to Winning The Fight



A child is born, a child will grow
A child has the right to find the gold, waiting at the end of the rainbow
But there are times, when dark clouds push away the sun
And fear tries to turn their world upside down


With our heads held high, we’ll survive we’re winning the fight
Hand in hand we may cry, but our love will light up the darkest night
We’ll conquer it all, we’ll stand tall, the future is ours


This man has hopes, this woman has dreams
A dad, a mother, sister and brother generations of family
And when a stormy wind tries to steal someone we love
We hold on to life, and never give up


(Repeat chorus) the future is ours

Last chorus

With our heads held high, we’ll survive we’re winning the fight
Hand in hand we may cry, but our love will light up the darkest night
We’ll conquer it all we’ll stand tall, with one voice we believe
The future is ours, we’re winning the fight



The Pacoima Singers Musical Theatre Group

The Pacoima Singers are an award-wining, multi-ethnic performing arts group at the Pacoima Middle School Television, Theatre and Performing Arts Magnet School in the San Fernando Valley of California, USA. This singing and dancing group of thirty-four 12, 13 and 14 year old students come to the school from all over the Los Angeles region.

This group has already earned an excellent reputation performing for many dignitaries including the former First Lady of USA, Hillary R. Clinton. The group also regularly performs around the city for important community events, such as the 2006 national M.A.D.D. conference, and in 2001 it was named at the national Festival of the States the “Official Choir for the State of California”. The students also record CD’s to raise money for special community service projects. Their recording Peace is Patriotic, Winning the Fight was released to raise money for the American Cancer Society.



Lyrics and Recording used with permission.



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