Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2006
Cross-border Integration
In this first edition of the Journal of Stellar Peacemaking (JSP), we are considering how peace has occurred across the borders that humanity experiences. Borders are construed here as boundaries created by cultural, political, and environmental diversity. For example, linguistic diversity requires humans who are striving for peace to communicate with concepts that may be unique to one group. Such boundaries are challenges in thought transfer, especially about the needs of a culturally different group with which another is experiencing conflict. Commonly, cultural differences have resulted in political and geographic boundaries. We see how each boundary is related to others. Those working to bring about or expand existing states of peace facilitate boundary crossing, in either brief or sustained events. For lasting peace, sustained interaction across boundaries has been most successful.
The contributions to this edition of JSP provide a variety of examples of cross-border integration. Please join us in consideration of these peace foundations and the possibilities for their future implementation. We welcome your comments on this edition of JSP as well as your submissions of literature or art that illustrates any process of cross-border integration for peace.
We appreciate and honor you for your efforts to learn about and contribute to the multifaceted information about how humans develop peace in our universe.
Author: Oscar Arias, Ph.D
Author: Lauren Gelfond
When I Learned What It Means to be a Peace Chief
Author: Jerry L. Holsopple, Ph.D.
The Enemy Arrives
At Our Home:
My Experience with German War Prisoners Of World War II
Author: Marian C. Franz
A Cross-border Examination of Peace Education in an Integrated Primary School of Northern Ireland
Author: Linda Pickett, Ph.D.
Performing Arts
The Flag of Living Stars - "A new flag anthem by another 'Francis Key!'
Composer: Frances Rae Key
The Good Message- "He spread the Message of Peace (The Good Message) to the Five Nations."
Artist: Joanne Shenandoah
Visual Arts
One Bowl Serves Many - Israeli and Palestinian artists have joined forces to send a message of reconciliation
Author: Rachel Shabi