
The Journal of Stellar Peacemaking (JSP) is produced and maintained for dissemination of information about peace development. Research in peace through education and other processes provides the foundation for this publication.  The goal of this journal is provision of free information about processes which have resulted with positive peace. Global, regional, interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts which have been transformed or resolved for the benefit of everyone involved is regarded here as positive peace.



The read-for-free Journal of Stellar Peacemaking (JSP) is intended for practitioners, researchers and other learners of peace development.  In their service, this journal provides information about the design, use and analysis of human efforts to bring about peace in their region, this world and our galaxy.

JSP is also a celebration of the stellar and diverse ways that people have been building peace anywhere it is, or might be, lost.  The commitment to peace preservation through compassion, courage and creativity that is evident in the true stories that JSP publishes are the foundations of peacemaking that can be learned as well as celebrated with this journal.



The contents of this site may not be used for commercial purposes.  
Commercial enterprises that want to use the material in this journal must first get permission for such use from the copyright owner of the work. The copyright for material that is published in this journal is owned by the authors and publishers that are listed with each posting of their work. Reproduction of anything posted in this journal is illegal without written permission from the listed owner of the material that is published here. Use the contact button for each posting to request permission for reproduction of any publications in this journal.



Opinions and perspectives in this journal reflect the experiences of the writers whose work is published here. Its editors made the selection of writings and other materials that are published in JSP. They reserve the right to include or exclude submissions for publication, as well as edit with permission of the author, what will be posted in this journal.


Editorial Board-click here